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Posts tagged ‘Emotion’

Paying Attention to Rising Waters

Alongside green acres of alfalfa, a twisting river cut through the farmland on which I spent much of my formative years.  In the summers, after the chores were done, my friends and I would spend hours on the river swimming, skipping rocks and catching fish.  (At this point in the story, you may be tempted to whistle the theme song to “The Andy Griffith Show”… but I must protest – I’m not that old.  If you’ve never heard of that show… well then, maybe I am that old!)

The water level on the river was controlled by an upstream dam, according to the needs of the farmers in the valley.  At times, we could cross the river without getting our shorts wet.  But at other times, the river would swell quickly, creating swift currents and daunting whirlpools under the river’s main bridge.  These whirlpools were something of legend and lore among children in the area – there were wild stories of men, women, children, and even animals disappearing into these whirlpools, never to surface again.

One lazy summer afternoon, my friend and I were floating downstream on driftwood logs that we found on the shore.  We were so busy talking and splashing that we failed to notice that the river was rising rapidly.  In fact, by the time we became aware of the water’s alarming elevation, we were already moving downstream at a pretty good clip.  Fear washed over both of us as we realized that the now-turbulent currents were too strong for us to leave the relative safety of our driftwood and make it to shore before reaching the whirlpools.  Without saying a word to each other, we both decided to ride it out. Read more